Singer and tv host Aditya Narayan just lately tied the knot to Shweta Agarwal. The couple had an intimate marriage ceremony rite ultimate on December 1, within the presence in their shut family and friends. Owing to the pandemic, that they had a restricted selection of visitors. An afternoon after their marriage ceremony, Aditya and Shweta hosted a grand marriage ceremony reception which was once attended through some celebrities of Bollywood and the tv fraternity as neatly.

In a up to date interview put up his marriage, Aditya printed about his honeymoon plans amid the pandemic. “Honeymoon is an elaborate phased one. Since I should be again in Mumbai each week for shoot we’re doing 3 mini vacay’s. Shillim, Sula vineyards and Gulmarg,” he mentioned.

When requested if he would now not be going to Maldives because it has confirmed to be the hotspot for post-lockdown holiday for Bollywood celebrities, the singer mentioned, “Woh toh hai hello (This is there). I am getting 3-Four loose vacations once a year to the Maldives. I’m their unofficial ambassador.”

Aditya Narayan and Shweta Agarwal first met 10 years in the past at the units of Shaapit. At the paintings entrance, Aditya lately seems as a bunch on Sony TV’s making a song truth display Indian Idol.

ALSO READ: Singer Aditya Narayan buys an enormous five BHK condominium costing greater than Rs. Four crore


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