Kody Brown: I’m Bound Forever to My Sister Wives!
Kody Brown is trying to take a new attitude into the new year.
The father of 17 has split from three of his four spouses over the last 24 months, with Christine first leaving Kody in November 2021… Janelle doing the same in late 2022… and then Meri and Kody agreeing to split in very early 2023.
Now, however?
With 2024 upon us?

Kody has gone from trashing Christine to coming across far more hopeful and self-aware than ever before.
The 54-year old told People Magazine on January 2 that he’s looking forward to “a future of a lot of forgiving and a lot of more understanding” with his exes, adding in profound detail:
“It’s a journey that goes inward and it’s a journey that’s outward.
“You have to news forgiveness to the people you’ve been involved with.”

Over the past several months, Kody has come across as anything but forgiving.
He’s referred to Christine as a sh-tty wife and said he has no interest in talking to Janelle again.
In this new feature, however, Kody sounds open to a reunion of some kind with the women who have walked out on him.
“You have to news understanding and hope that at the end of an era for us as a family, we still have hope of a friendship and a loving or kind relationship with each other in the future because we’re bound forever through our kids,” he says.

Following the demise of his polygamous union, Kody says he’s starting to rebuild his confidence “because it destroys your confidence when you go through a divorce or a family breakup,” elaborating as follows:
“I got to find that space of grace and love for myself as well. Be it really forgiving of simple things, like just being angry about what has happened.
“I want to forgive myself for that and move on.”
Wow, huh? Could Kody Brown truly be turning over a new leaf? Look at this introspection!

Previously, Kody made it clear that he’s done with polygamy.
He’s committed to a regular one-on-one marriage to Robyn Brown, his actual legal wife.
Kody is feeling pretty good about the future, as well.
“I remember this great life that we had and what an experience to be a team with these 22 people and just trying to survive the rapids of life and it was great,” he told People of what has been lost… but what may one day be found again.
“There’s my optimism. It’s back. I’m seeing my past again and saying, ‘It was lovely.’ It’s changed now.
“Maybe I’ll find that optimism for the future. In the end, hopefully we just love each other and let each other move on.”