
Jill Duggar: I Was So Sick on Our Second Honeymoon!

Poor Jill Duggar was sick on her second honeymoon trip with her husband.

Back in June, Jill and Derick kicked off their second honeymoon.

The 10-year anniversary celebration involved food, sightseeing, and amusement park rides.

Unfortunately, Jill grew sick. It didn’t ruin the trip, but it clearly cast a pall upon their second honeymoon.

Jill Duggar and Derrick Dillard speak here as part of a documentary
Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard speak here as part of a documentary on their family. (Image Credit: Amazon Prime)

Jill Duggar was sick during her second honeymoon with Derick Dillard

On Thursday, August 1, Jill Duggar updated fans and followers on her anniversary celebration with husband Derick Dillard.

The two have been celebrating their 10 years together in Brandon, Missouri.

Jill and Derick have delved into amusement parks and local geological formations, including caverns. We know this because the couple shared a video montage on Instagram to showcase their adventures.

“The only part that wasn’t so much fun,” Jill Duggar admitted, “was getting super motion sick after only riding our first ride.”

“Note to self, take Dramamine before attempting to ride any crazy rides ever again!”

Anyone who has gone to a theme park and discovered that they have averse reactions to certain types of rides can certainly relate.

Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard speak to producers while filming for TLCJill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard speak to producers while filming for TLC
Jill Duggar and husband Derick Dillard speak to producers while filming for TLC. (Image Credit: TLC)

Motion sickness came up in multiple Jill Duggar updates

“We circled back to Silver Dollar City to hit up all the great food we missed the day before (I had gotten super motion sick),” Jill Duggar explained in another Instagram update.

Motion sickness can take various forms, particularly nausea or intense dizziness. Some people even experience greyouts, which include temporary blindness, after roller coaster rides.

It doesn’t sound like Jill got the worst of it. But she clearly found that the symptoms were memorable.

Overall, Jill and Derick clearly had a good time.

Couples with sufficient means for childcare, time off, and travel can vacation at any time. However, a 10-year anniversary trip can usually only happen once.

Most of the memories seem to be positive ones. And whenever they take their next trip, whether it’s for an 11-year anniversary for their 20th, perhaps they’ll skip the rides. Or take preventative medications, as Jill suggested.

Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard on YouTube.Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard on YouTube.
Jill Duggar spoke with fans on YouTube in September of 2023. (Photo Credit: YouTube)

She’s clearly doing better now

Jill referred to all of that, including her second honeymoon, in the past tense. It’s just part of her long history with Derick.

In March of 2014, Jill was in her early 20s. As is the preference within the Duggar family cult, she engaged in a “courtship” (a sort of chaste, father-approved engagement) with Derick. Three months later, the two married.

Ten years later, and they share 9-year-old Isarel, 6-year-old Samuel, and 21-month-old Frederick.

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