How Does Cocoa Help Boost Muscle Strength? Science Behind It
Think of cocoa, and you might immediately crave a rich chocolate cake or a comforting cup of hot chocolate. But did you know that cocoa does more than just satisfy your taste buds? Cocoa is packed with essential nutrients that can help build muscle and strengthen your core. Nutritionist Michael Greger, through his official Instagram handle, explained the science behind cocoa’s impact on muscle health. “Older adults who consumed a tablespoon of natural, unprocessed cocoa each day for 12 weeks had a significant improvement in muscle mass index,” he stated.
Also Read: Difference Between Cocoa And Cacao: Which One Is Better For Baking?
The Role of Cocoa in Muscle Health: How Cocoa Supports Physical Performance
A quick search online confirms that cocoa, in its natural form, is rich in minerals, vitamins, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties that contribute to overall well-being. According to Michael Greger, flavonoids (a type of phytonutrient) found in natural, non-alkalised cocoa are associated with improved blood circulation and reduced inflammation, both of which support muscle recovery.
1. Cocoa Enhances Grip Strength
Flavonoids in cocoa are known to improve mitochondrial function in muscle cells. According to Greger, this can enhance endurance, support muscle mass growth, and reduce fatigue.
2. Cocoa Improves Blood Circulation
Research suggests that a type of flavonoid called epicatechin, found in cocoa, can help improve blood circulation, which in turn strengthens muscles.
3. Cocoa Boosts Skin Hydration
“Less than a tablespoon of cocoa can increase circulation within our skin, boosting it by 70 per cent within two hours,” stated the experts. They further added that consuming cocoa regularly for six months can lead to a noticeable reduction in wrinkles and improved skin elasticity, density, and hydration.
Also Read: Cacao Nibs Vs Chocolate Bars: Who is the Healthier of Them All?
What Are The Best Ways To Add Cocoa To Your Diet:
1. Make smoothies and shakes:
Chocolate can make anything taste better. Don’t you agree? We suggest adding some natural cocoa powder to your breakfast smoothies and shakes to make your mornings healthy and delicious. Find the chocolate smoothie recipe here.
2. Have a dark chocolate:
Pick dark chocolates with a cocoa content of 70 per cent or more. Dark chocolate is rich in flavonoids and low in sugar. It can not only help beat your sweet cravings but also add nutrients to your diet.
3. Indulge in hot chocolate:
A thick and rich hot chocolate is always a show-stealer. Add less sugar and some spices to it to make the drink healthier and flavourful. Click here for the hot chocolate recipe.
4. Bake healthy cake:
Cocoa, chocolate and cake are synonymous. We suggest baking a healthy cake to enjoy cocoa at its best. Click here for the healthy cake recipes.
The Takeaway
The next time you indulge in cocoa-based treats, remember that it is not just about satisfying your sweet tooth – it is also nourishing your body from within. However, moderation is key. A balanced diet, including all essential macronutrients and micronutrients, is crucial for overall good health. Eat mindfully and stay fit!