Chinese Custom Officer has destroyed approximately 30,000 world maps the reason behind this was found at Arunachal Pradesh and Taiwan where not shown as the part of China. In fact, China considers Arunachal Pradesh as the part of South Tibet.
China has also objected to the visitors of Indian leaders in Arunachal Pradesh. These maps where manufactured by Chinese company called ANHUI. All these maps where printed in English. Chinese Custom Officer has raided this company in which 800 boxes were found and approximately 30,000 world maps where found.
In recent years China is developing pressure for acquiring Arunachal Pradesh. on this Indian government yet not given any statement as Modi government is busy in election campaigning.
China making forcefully action on Taiwan to making it as a part of China and in recent year China is also making pressure on Indian for Arunachal Pradesh.
Indian government has yet not given any hard statement to Chinese regarding Arunachal Pradesh. Due to elections government is not taking any step regarding this and that is making danger for the sovereignty and integrity of country.

On this a Chinese professor Liu has given statement that China has done absolutely right thing regarding the country integrity. He said that Taiwan and South Tibet (Arunachal Pradesh) is the part China and which fall under international law. He said if wrong maps are broadcast inside or outside the country harm Chinese territorial integrity.
China is very clever in acquiring lands and expanding. They destroys the history so that to claim lands. China continuous keep on calming Arunachal pradesh and remove images from the books in which Arunachal is shown as Indian part. On various sites chines keep on increasing the images of map in which Arunachal is shown as chines part. China distort the history and present to show it there part.
i hate china