Cher: Sonny Bono Said He Wanted to MURDER Me!
For those unaware, Cher is coming out with a memoir, aptly titled “Cher: The Memoir (Part One).”
For those also unaware, Cher now says that her former husband thought about killing her at one point.
There. Have we gotten your attention?

Back in the early 1970s, Cher was married to fellow musician Sonny Bono.
They released the iconic duet “I Got You Babe,” they co-starred on the show The Sonny and Cher Comedy Hour, they were a VERY big deal at the time.
But they weren’t entirely happy back then. At all.
In her book, Cher details a stint in Las Vegas at the Sahara Hotel in October 1972 … when she told her husband she wanted to sleep with Bill, a guitarist in their band.

She didn’t actually mean it, Cher insists, but Bono hadn’t taken her seriously when she previously said she wanted out of the union.
“The silence was deafening. Then [Sonny] said, ‘How long do you think you’ll need?’” Cher writes.
“Two hours,” she replied, prompting Bono to leave the room and Cher to break down in tears.
The couple spouses eventually agree to break up, but agreed that Cher would continue living with Bono during the week so as to not destroy their public image.
Crazy, right?

One morning at breakfast during this awkward period, Bono came right out and said:
“You know, after you went off with Bill that night at the Sahara, I seriously thought about throwing you off our balcony.”
“He laughed a little at that and so did I. It was crazy that he was telling me,” Cher writes, adding that she responded by saying “there would have been no need to push me because I was gonna jump!’”
According to Cher, Bono even explained that he would “plead insanity” after committing this deed “and get seven years in jail before they released me. Then I’d get a book deal and my own show.”
It sounds as if Bono really did think this through.

Cher also writes:
“I don’t think for a minute that Sonny would have actually pushed me off the balcony, but I’m sure it crossed his mind, and he knew that jumping off had also crossed mine. What else could we do but laugh?”
Sonny and Cher met when she was just 16 and he was 27. They were married from 1964 to 1975.
The former, who Cher says was unfaithful to her during their marriage, died in 1998 following a skiing accident.
Cher: The Memoir (Part One) is currently available to purchase.