GeneralWorld News

Canada Suspends Extradition Treaty with Hong Kong to Protest China Security Law

Canada’s High Minister Justin Trudeau (Reuters)

Canada could also be halting exports of delicate army tools to Hong Kong and updating its trip advisory so Canadians touring there’ll understand how the regulation may have an effect on them, the overseas ministry stated.

  • AFP
  • Ultimate Up to date: July three, 2020, nine:23 PM IST

Canada on Friday suspended its extradition treaty with Hong Kong to protest the sweeping new nationwide safety regulation China has enacted within the monetary hub.

Canada could also be halting exports of delicate army tools to Hong Kong and updating its trip advisory so Canadians touring there’ll understand how the regulation may have an effect on them, the overseas ministry stated.

“Canada is a company believer within the one-country, two-system framework,” High Minister Justin Trudeau stated, regarding the semi-autonomous fashion followed after Britain returned Hong Kong to China in 1997.

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