Beyoncé vs Amber Rose: The Beef Over Political Speech Explained
Did Beyonce plagiarize Amber Rose with her speech? No. But did Amber Rose seriously accuse her of doing so?
Just a couple of years ago, Amber Rose seemed like a decent, if sometimes outlandish, person. Closer to a decade ago, she really made a name for herself by promoting adult positivity and challenging rape culture.
As with her most infamous ex, something clearly happened. Siding with her former adversaries, Amber Rose endorsed disgraced former president Donald Trump. She even spoke at the RNC this past summer.
Beyonce also recently spoke, supporting Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 election. Queen Bey did not plagiarize Amber Rose in her speech. And now, despite her previous accusation, Amber Rose admits it.

Does Beyonce ‘want to be’ Amber Rose?
On Friday, October 25, Beyonce spoke at a Kamala Harris rally in Houston. Though her support was a foregone conclusion, her public endorsement — with an emphasis upon protecting what remains of reproduction rights in our nation — was welcome by the campaign and by supporters.
When The Shade Room shared bits from the speech on Instagram, some of the weirdest, worst people you could imagine flocked to the comments. One of them was Amber Rose.
“She wanna be me so bad,” Amber Rose accused, referring to Beyonce. “Literally took my whole speech.”
Infamously, some political speeches have been the products of plagiarism in the past. Melania Trump once lifted her speech from First Lady Michelle Obama. It is one of the many baffling footnotes from the Trump occupation of the White House.
However, that did not happen here. There is no evidence whatsoever that Beyonce wishes to be Amber Rose. It would be silly — and worrisome — if she did.
Plagiarism allegations are serious. We living in a time when countless people use plagiarism software for the most basic writing assignments. Also, you know, plagiarism sucks and is embarrassing.

Why did Amber Rose accuse Beyonce of plagiarism?
Amber Rose’s outlandish comment naturally made the news. It was peculiar — a minor and often obscure public figure accusing someone much more famous of wrongdoing without evidence. Amber Rose’s relatively recent alignment with the Trump campaign, in total opposition to much of what she once represented, seemed to add a twist.
TMZ caught up with Amber Rose to ask her about the comment. Her answer was not exactly encouraging.
“I was literally trolling,” she replied. That is not really an explanation so much as it is a confession of bad behavior.

Amber Rose went on to add that, despite having been a public figure of minor note for many years, she “did not think” that her public accusation would make “national news” the way that it did.
“I love Beyonce,” Amber Rose then went on to claim. She added that the two have “hung out many times.” That often translates to we’ve met.
There are several grim lessons to take from Amber Rose’s choices. However, in this case, perhaps the most important one is this: Don’t make playful public accusations of wrongdoing and not expect people to notice.

Politics have become so weird
Remember when a Vice President misspelling “potato” was a political scandal? Now, a major US political party holds openly racist rallies that seem intentionally designed to mirror Nazi rallies in both format and content. And, unfortunately, it’s barely even a blip on the news.
Though the 2024 presidential election is pivotal (as are down-ballot races, folks), it is not an instant cure. The Democratic Party has soul-searching to do after years of capitulating to GOP talking points on immigration. And the continuing support for Israel’s genocidal campaign against the Palestinian people is nothing short of evil.
Amber Rose’s preferred candidate would be worse in every way. But the damage that he has already done to federal agencies and to the judiciary will not disappear overnight. Does Beyonce’s candidate have the will to undo the harm? Only time will tell.