
Amber Heard Tells For First Time Her Grisly Story Of Johnny Depp Sexually Assaulting Her With A Bottle – Perez Hilton

[Warning: Potentially Triggering Content]

Over the past two days, Amber Heard has told a lot of stories already of alleged abuse at the hands of Johnny Depp. But on Thursday afternoon, her team was ready for the big one — the infamous fight in Australia.

The story of this bloody brawl, this “three-day hostage situation” is so wildly different depending on who tells it — and when — that it’s important to hear Amber’s version, straight from her mouth, for yourself. After hearing Johnny’s side, as well as several employees who witnessed the aftermath, it’s her turn. And this time, she includes the shocking new detail we just heard a few days ago in this very trial, that he allegedly violated her with a liquor bottle.

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The couple were Down Under while Johnny was filming the fifth Pirates installment in March 2015. Amber says he was already on MDMA, and they began fighting “about his drinking.” It got violent, she testified, with the actor throwing her across the room onto a ping pong table where he kept “whacking” her. He then taunted her, she recalled, to try to get a bottle of liquor out of his hand. She says she reached for it, causing it to fall and hit the ground and break, which “really set him off” almost “like a lightbulb switch went off.”

She says he hit her and when she stood up he threw a bottle at her.

“I don’t know how much time passed, but at some point, he had a broken bottle of against my face neck area by my jawline, and he told me he’d carve up my face.”

She says he slammed her around and ripped off her nightgown and put her on a counter, climbing on top of her as her feet slipped around. She testified:

“He’s screaming at me and saying I ruined his life. ‘I f**king hate you. You ruined my f**king life.’”

It was at this time that she says he smashed a phone to pieces — presumably when he injured his own finger.

“I’m looking in his eyes, I don’t see him anymore. It wasn’t him. It was black. I’ve never been so scared in my life. I was trying to get through to Johnny and I couldn’t see him at all.”

She says she thought at first he was punching her in the pubic bone because she could see his arm thrusting.

“He said he would f**king kill me. ‘I’ll f**king kill you.’ He said it to me over and over again. He said, ‘I’ll f**king kill you.’”

But then at some point she realized it was a liquor bottle. Amber nearly lost it on the stand, having trouble breathing. She said, “I’m sorry” and stopped for a moment. Then her lawyer asked her to clarify that the bottle was penetrating her all the way to the pubic bone. Amber answered:

“I can’t believe I have to do this.”

Her lawyer apologized, and Amber was able to continue:

“Johnny had the bottle inside of me and was shoving it inside of me over and over again.”

She said she was particularly scared in the moment because of the broken bottle he’d previously threatened her with. She lamented:

“I didn’t know if the bottle that he had inside me was broken… I didn’t feel pain. I didn’t feel anything. I looked around and saw so much broken glass that I didn’t know if he would know if it was broken or not.”

Eventually photos from the mess they’d left of the mansion were shown. While there wasn’t blood and glass all over the floor in the photos (Amber pointed out they’d already been cleaned by the time the photos were taken) two empty bottles could be seen still sitting on the clean counter.

(c) Fairfax County

Amber was identified one of the bottles in the photo as the weapon:

“I didn’t have a memory of seeing the bottle that Johnny used on me… This picture I wasn’t aware of until just the other day, or the day before. I felt my stomach tying up when I saw it … I remember a pressure, square, something firm butting up against my pubic bone. … When I realized it was an object or a bottle, not his fist … And I hadn’t seen this bottle. And this came out in (evidence) … and so I recognize it.”

Amber says she doesn’t know how the incident ended, but she remembers after the assault “being in the bathroom, retching.” She says she took sleeping pills and woke up the next morning to find Johnny “was missing a finger and had used his wound to write her messages in his own blood — on the walls, on the mirror, on a pillow, on a lampshade.” She says he told her:

“Look what you made me do, I did this for you.”

She says security finally came, at which point Johnny “took his penis out of his pants and started peeing, or trying to pee outside of the house, saying he had more messages for me.”

Then she left soon after. Johnny, finally calming down, called her on her way to the airport, she recalled sadly:

“He asked if he had killed it, he was asking, is it done, is this over, did we kill it, did I kill it, that sort of thing… I felt destroyed, like my heart was broken. I didn’t know what to do. I thought maybe if I left him in Australia, I thought something would happen to him. I thought he might die or kill himself, that certainly seemed like the trajectory he was on.”

She didn’t leave him. Their relationship went another year after that.

We are still unclear why this specific allegation, the adult assault with the bottle, never came out until this trial. Not in her op-ed, not in the libel trial, not in any previous legal filings where she wrote a detailed description of this night. We guess that will have to wait for cross-examination. And wait it will. Amber will get a big break after her harrowing two days on the stand. Court was dismissed until May 16 when Johnny’s team will have the opportunity to ask her about every discrepancy.

Will it change things? Will this powerful testimony be torn apart? Let us know what YOU think so far!

[Image via Law&Crime Network/YouTube.]

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