Salman Khan is becoming a member of the NFT bandwagon, after famous person Amitabh Bachchan. The actor took to Twitter on Wednesday to announce that he’s going to release NFTs (non-fungible tokens) which might be in partnership with BollyCoin. The NFTs will probably be introduced in December 2021.

“Aa raha hoon major, NFTs leke. Salman Khan Static NFTs approaching @bollycoin. Keep tuned, bhai log! #BollyCoin #NFTs #ComingSoon”, Salman tweeted.

In step with BollyCoin website online, Virtual collectibles from the Bollywood Trade will probably be auctioned via their platform, offering an leading edge method for Bollywood lovers from around the globe to possess NFTs in their favorite Bollywood movies and celebrities. They target to be the arena’s greatest Bollywood NFT market, partnering with the most important manufacturers and celebrities within the business to create iconic and unique one among a sort NFTs.

Previous, Amitabh Bachchan introduced that he’s going to release his personal NFT assortment.

ALSO READ: CONFIRMED: Salman Khan and Aayush Sharma starrer Antim: The Ultimate Reality to unlock on November 26; movement poster unveiled


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