
Kit Harington Finally Admits Game Of Thrones Season 8 Didn’t Work – And Has A Theory Why! – Perez Hilton

We wondered if Kit Harington would ever break.

It had felt like the man who wouldn’t be king was the lone holdout when it comes to admitting Game Of Thrones totally blew the landing. We’ve heard Emilia ClarkeNatalie Dormer, Lena Headey, Gwendoline Christie, Conleth Hill, and Maisie Williams all admit to varying degrees to having issues with how the show went the last couple seasons and particularly the finale.

But this was Jon Snow! He LOVED Thrones. And he was coming back for a sequel series! So he was never going to agree it didn’t work out… and yet. Here he is!

Photos: Kit Harington Is RIPPED In Jaw-Dropping Backstage Pics!

Speaking with GQ on Monday, he conceded some of the criticism was spot on, particularly that the ending was rushed. Though with the concession he also added how he doesn’t think there was a solution to that particular problem:

“I think if there was any fault with the end of Thrones, is that we were all so f**king tired, we couldn’t have gone on longer. And so I understand some people thought it was rushed and I might agree with them. But I’m not sure there was any alternative. I look at pictures of me in that final season and I look exhausted. I look spent. I didn’t have another season in me.”

Huh. That’s an interesting point we hadn’t considered. We always thought he was the one cast member who was ready to stay in Westeros forever! We guess not!

As far as the much-derided ending, he may not be willing to make specific attacks — but he agrees at least that it was far from perfect:

“Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I think there were mistakes made, story-wise, towards the end maybe. I think there were some interesting choices that didn’t quite work.”

That’s one way to put it! Certainly with the amazing work being put in by the cast and craftspeople toward the end, we get why he’d be hesitant to do any outright bashing. So that may be as brutal as it gets from Kit.

But it’s interesting to hear how important it was to him not to put out any other questionable quality GOT material. When asked what the heck happened to his spinoff that seems to have been canceled, he said:

“What I can tell you is it was HBO that came to me and said, ‘Would you consider this?’ My first reaction was no. And then I thought there could be an interesting and important story about the soldier after the war. I felt that there might be something left to say and a story left to tell in a pretty limited way. We spent a couple of years back and forth developing it. And it just didn’t… nothing got us excited enough. In the end, I kind of backed out and said, ‘I think if we push this any further and keep developing it we could end up with something that’s not good. And that’s the last thing we all want.’”

Certainly the last thing Thrones fans wanted after Season 8 was something that didn’t feel quite right.

What do YOU think of Kit’s candor here??

[Image via Game Of Thrones/YouTube.]

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